Science Fair Projects
Ideas and Sample Projects by Grade Level

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Elementary School - Grades 4-6
P=Project   E=Experiment
Create bricks from a Martian-like ground cover, and measure how strong these bricks are. [E]
Creating an alien that can survive on the planet Mars. [P]
Everything about Stars & Planets
Middle School - Grades 7-9
P=Project   E=Experiment
See if lichen can photosynthesize in more Mars-like conditions than on Earth and identify which lichen species is best suited for producing Oxygen for humans to breathe on Mars [E]
Design of a Low Density Subsonic Wind Tunnel for Martian Research [E]
A Wind Tunnel to Examine Subsonic Aerodynamic Effects on Airfoils for Future Flight on Mars [E]
Can We Terraform Mars? [E]
Could Mars be terraformed using photosynthetic organisms like plants? [P]
Since the component of mars is mostly Fe2O3 (rust) can we use an acid such as H3PO4 to extract oxygen out of the martian soil? [E]
Should we terraform Mars? [E] [E]
Does life exists on Mars? [E] [P]
A few Mars terraforming project ideas [E]
Deterine if specific microorganisms can meet two of the criteria (ability to survive in the Martian atmospheric mixture of gases, and the near vacuum atmospheric density) required to terraform Mars. [E]
Which combination of materials are best for space suits for astronauts exploring Mars? [P]
1. Determine whether plants can survive in a simulated Martian-like environment.
2. Determine whether plants can change the atmosphere from carbon dioxide to oxygen. [E]
Everything about Stars & Planets
High School - Grades 10-12
P=Project   E=Experiment
Using cyanobacteria on Mars to generate oxygen. (kinds of photosynthetic bacteria that are thought to have converted the early Earth atmosphere by producing oxygen.) [E] [E]
Creating a facility for farming on the planet Mars [P] [P]
How and why the Cynipid Gall Wasps jump and how their mechanism of motility can be applied to the design of a Mars rover [E]
Can a spacecraft use solar panels at Saturn, Mars? [E] [E] [E]
Using a Dissimilatory Perchlorate Respiring Bacteria reduce ammonium perchlorate on the surface of Mars. [E]
Terraforming Mars: a Review of Research [E] [E] [P]
Technological Requirements for Terraforming Mars [E] [P]
Super-Greenhouse Gases and Mars Terraforming [E] [P]
Measure the ratio of dune spacing to dune height of sand dunes on Mars by using Mars Global Surveyor Image Analysis. [E]
Can photosynthesis occur at Saturn or Mars? [E] [E]
Extracting Oxygen from Lunar and Martian Regolith Simulant [E]
Everything about Stars & Planets
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Last updated: September 2016
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